Christ Church Primary School, Moreton

Music Curriculum



For every child in our school to see themselves as musically able, to have the confidence to sing & to participate in music lessons and to be able to play a variety of unpitched and pitched instruments confidently and appropriately.

For music lessons to have a positive impact on the children’s emotional resilience and well-being.

For every child to be given the musical knowledge needed for them to develop the musical skills of listening, appraising, improvising, composing and performing.

For every child to use these skills with confidence to improvise and to compose; to listen and to appraise and to critically reflect on others’ work.

For every child to be able to express themselves through music and to understand others through listening to other musical compositions, therefore allowing for awe and wonder moments and spiritual opportunities.




  • Use Charanga new Model Music Curriculum scheme to provide a basis for a consistent teaching approach.

    CPD for all teachers to develop confidence to teach music.

    Children to inform song choices so they are empowered and learning is purposeful.

    Performance opportunities:


    Church Services

    Music lessons

    Community events:

    Harvest Court

    Christmas Fair


    Extra-curricular activities

    KS1 Lunch-time choir

    KS2 After-school choir

    Whole-class instrument lessons

    Peripatetic group lessons




Use of Key skills Assessment tracking grid

Termly reviews: late Aut 1, late Spr 1, late Sum 1

Evaluation to inform next steps.

KS2: Termly reviews: late Aut 1, late Spring 1, late Sum 1

Subject lead to work with a random group of 8 children in each year group to assess knowledge, skills and  application. Videos of improvisation and of performance to be uploaded as evidence.

Files to Download

Christ Church Primary School, MoretonUpton Road, Moreton, Wirral, Merseyside, CH46 0PB