CC4C - Wrap Around Provision
CC4C is the name of our wrap around provision.
CC4C opening hours are Monday to Friday (term time only):
AM - 7.30-8.45am
PM - 3.30-6.00pm
CC4C is based in the pre-school for children aged 3 - 6 years and school canteen for children aged 6 -11 years.
CC4C price list:
Breakfast (7.30-8.15am) - £4.00
Late Breakfast (8.15 - 8.45am) - £2.00
Early afternoon (3.30 - 5.00pm) - £6.00
Late afternoon (3.30 - 6.00pm) - £7.50
Pre-school CC4C times and charges are under the Pre-school tab on the school website.
At breakfast CC4C a variety of breakfast items are provided for children.
Afternoon CC4C tea is provided for children. Mondays and Fridays children receive a selection of sandwiches and other savoury items. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday children are provided hot meal and dessert, please see attached menus. When children arrive at CC4C after school they are provided with a drink and a selection of fruit
Fees are payable in advance and booking is made through the ParentPay system. Please see ParentPay tab on website for more information on how to log into your account. Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact the finance team.
Childcare vouchers and tax free childcare payment is accepted but only via prior arrangement with the finance department.
The aims of the club is to provide a:
'Rounded, safe provision to support children’s physical, social and educational
well-being in a caring environment outside the school day.'
Here is some feedback from children that regularly attend the club:
"The staff are friendly and make the club fun." MJ - Y6
"I love it, because I get my homework done before I get home as Kay helps me with it in club. The food is yummy too!" ES - Y6
" There is loads of activities and the older children help me." GK - Y2
"My favourite thing at CC4C are the scooters and bikes." KS - Y1
CC4C is part of Christ Church School and therefore only Christ Church children attend the club. Please click below an information leaflet with further information and prices for the club, CC4C menus, a payment agreement and booking form.