Christ Church Primary School, Moreton

Physical Education

Physical Education


PE and leading a healthy lifestyle is a hugely important part of our school. Staff will have a clear understanding of the National Curriculum, through regular CPD with expert sports coaches.

Our PE curriculum will enhance the skills and knowledge of all children and be accessible to all. It will maximise the development of every child’s ability and achievement in all areas of PE and develop fundamental movement within every lesson.

All children will be active throughout their 2-hour PE lesson, where they will learn the importance of physical activity and keeping healthy. They will improve their own health, well-being and personal skills linked to the Olympic and School Sports Values such as the resilience to preserve. They will have the opportunity to grow an understanding of working together and overcome challenges in readiness for life.  

They will participate in and learn about how to use and apply this knowledge to impact upon their own physical activity, participation and healthy lifestyle.  

Swimming and water safety will be taught throughout the school and extra opportunities will be taken to continue to improve 25m swimming percentage.

Sports Premium Funding will be used effectively to develop a lasting legacy for PE & Sport at Christ Church.




Children will be provided with a full entitlement of PE and a clear and comprehension long-term plan will be in place across the school. This will link to the National Curriculum and cover six main areas: gymnastics, athletics, games, outdoor and adventurous activities and swimming. Over-arching the PE curriculum, will be the SAQ assessments to promote health living, wellness and build on instilling resilience and personal challenge.

Within P.E lessons, children will adopt many different roles such as a performer, coach, umpire and leader.

  • PE Kit

Children wear a school PE Kit. School t-shirts link to the colours of the school house. It is our belief that if the child looks smart they will perform well and have a positive experience in lessons.

  • Access to sports experts

Over the period of the year, children will have opportunities to work with PE experts.


Children will be given wider opportunities to build character and embed values through regular teamwork activities, competitive sport and Sports Day. This will be used to provide evidence for the Platinum Sports Mark.

  • Intra Events

Children will have opportunities to compete against children from other schools.

  • Inter Events

Half termly, all children will have access to competing against their peers in school.

  • Displays

Displays in school will celebrate involvement in PE, promote local clubs and highlight key national and international sporting events, hence increasing interest in sport.

  • Extra Curricular Activities

Children will have access to PE outside of the school day including clubs, matches and tournaments.

  • Enrichment opportunities

Children will have the chance to take part in a range of exciting activities they probably won’t have tried before. These are designed to boost enjoyment and engagement. This is a perfect way to build foundations for healthy, active lives.

  • Sports Premium Funding (Click here to find out more)

This will be used to increase physical competency of staff and children and also provides staff with resources and high-quality equipment




Christ Church CE Primary School aim to improve the well-being and fitness of all children in terms of the specific skills taught and knowledge obtained, but also through the underpinning values and disciples it promotes.

Our teaching will demonstrate evidence of children’s increased attainment levels through progress made across each unit. Children participation in lessons and their engagement in developing skills will be high.

Regular verbal feedback will be given within lessons to praise and ensure children apply the correct technique. Children will become stewards of their own learning and support peers to continue to improve and excel.

Data analysis will show children progressing in terms of their SAQ scores and knowledge and application of skills in a range of PE activities. Photographic and video evidence will be used to support teacher judgements and provide evidence for Platinum school games mark.

Class teacher will ensure that through teaching and learning that all children understand the impact of physical activity on their own body (linked to Science topic).

Children will develop a wider range of subject specific vocabulary and be able to talk about how they can improve on their own performance.

There will be measurable impact of swimming through high (90% or above) swimming percentage over 25m.

Children will be eager to attend extra-curricular clubs and participation rates will be high. This will lead to teams winning competitions at local and regional level. Also, increased opportunities for the school A, B and C teams in a range of sports.

Furthermore, children will foster a life-long commitment to physical activity.

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Christ Church Primary School, MoretonUpton Road, Moreton, Wirral, Merseyside, CH46 0PB