School Uniform and PE Kit
Children are expected to wear the correct school uniform and all items should be marked clearly with the child's name.
Grey pinafore dress or skirt Grey trousers |
Grey trousers (short or long) |
White blouse |
White or grey shirt |
Grey cardigan |
Grey V-necked pullover |
*School tie (black and gold) |
*School tie (black and gold) |
White, grey or fawn socks or tights |
Grey socks |
Yellow dress gingham or striped (to be worn with white socks) |
The following items can be purchesd from the school office. Prices are as follows:
Ties - £3.50
(During hot weather it may be appropriate for ties not to be worn, with open-necked short sleeved blouses or shirts)
Book bags and P.E. bags - £5.00
Sun-hats - £3.50
Other items of school uniform (except ties) may be purchased or ordered from:
- Asda Stores
- Tesco Stores
- Sports Shops
- Marks & Spencer PLC
Details regarding the price of items of uniform may be obtained from the above suppliers.
Parents are asked to note the following:
- Girls' hair 'accessories' should be limited to bobbles, scrunchies, covered elastic bands or ribbons, and these are to be yellow, white or black.
- For reasons of safety, children with pierced ears may wear small, round gold studs only, and earrings must not be worn for swimming, P.E. or Games. No other jewellery (e.g. chains, rings, etc) may be worn.
- Also for safety reasons, children should wear sensible, flat‑soled shoes in an appropriate colour for school.
- Watches may be worn to school, but we are unable to accept responsibility for their loss or damage. On days when children are engaged in P.E., games or swimming, watches are to be left at home.
We should be grateful for your co-operation in these matters so that we may not only ensure the smartness of our children in their school uniform, but also help them to be as safe as possible during the school day.
What Your Child Should Wear for PE
At Christ Church, children are expected to wear:
- PE t-shirt
- Black shorts
- Pumps or trainers
Your child’s PE t-shirt should match the colour of their mountain team (red for Kilimanjaro, blue for Mont Blanc, green for Snowdon and yellow for Everest) and should have the Christ Church badge at the top.
You can purchase a PE t-shirt from Design & Stitch Schoolwear:
Unit 6 Tarran Way South
CH46 4TP
You can also order online from their website here:
All sports clothing should be kept in a drawstring bag, clearly named. Items of PE clothing can be purchased locally from large Supermarkets, Sports shops and Marks & Spencer shops.
After school clubs
When children are attending after school sports clubs, they have a choice of wearing their school PE kit or their own sports clothes from home. Children who choose to wear their PE kit for an after school club may be sent home in the PE kit and this must return to school with them the next day. Children selected for school competitions and matches will be provided with a sports kit.
A copy of our uniform policy can be found below: