Christ Church Primary School, Moreton





 Science is a core National Curriculum subject and an essential element of a full, rounded education for every child. We teach science because it is a means to understanding the physical, biological and chemical world in which we live, key ideas that are what our children want to learn about. Science lessons will allow our children to develop key knowledge and to hold onto the ‘sticky knowledge.’ This will allow them to continue to make progress each year. Science will be engaging and brought to life and children will be able to see the relevance of each topic in their own lives. Science work must be practical and investigative. Our aim is to enable our children to think like young scientists as they use and develop the full range of ‘ working scientifically’ skills. Our children will have the opportunity to investigate and take risks with science. Through our skills progression, children will have the required building blocks to be able to apply their knowledge and conduct pupil led investigations On leaving Christ Church, it is our intent that children are able to ask their own questions and think of appropriate ways to investigate and answer these questions. Science will be an important part of their lives and they will have developed the key and necessary skills required as they move onto secondary school.




 Our long-term science plan ensures coverage of the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum. The
 Working Scientifically’ elements are also clearly outlined to ensure good progression throughout the Key Stages. Science work is contextualised wherever possible, built into wider, cross-curricular themes throughout each year band. However, it is important that if not possible, science is taught discreetly to ensure for learning to be built upon. Science will be taught weekly to ensure that children’s knowledge and skills is continually built upon. Teachers will have a clear understanding of what children already know and what they will go onto know. Knowledge and vocabulary mats along with the progression document will support teachers with this so children are able to progress. Teachers will be provided with regular CPD to ensure that they are confident in delivering science and ensuring that the strands of working scientifically are met. The science lead will support this by offering planning, drop in and mentoring sessions throughout the school year




 Children will be confident in the 7 ways of working scientifically across the science topics. As children progress through each year group, they will become increasingly confident in asking and investigating their own questions.
Science will be monitored by the science lead through assessment, observation and pupil discussion. Children will be given sample test questions throughout the year to assess knowledge and to provide them with chances to apply their knowledge to different contexts. Staff meeting time will be allocated to sharing good practice. The Science lead will meet with teaching staff to discuss science in their classroom and to look at next steps.

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Christ Church Primary School, MoretonUpton Road, Moreton, Wirral, Merseyside, CH46 0PB