Behaviour Management
In the world around them, children see different examples of how people behave. We have a responsibility at Christ Church C of E Primary School to help children understand that they have choices about how to behave. In a partnership with our families, it is our duty and privilege to help our children to be their best selves in and out of school.
Our aim at Christ Church is to create an environment where all children feel loved, valued and safe in their work and play. We believe that positive behaviour management is the foundation of all learning, and without a calm, orderly and loving atmosphere, effective teaching and learning cannot take place.
We believe that every child responds best to praise and encouragement from adults with whom they have formed trusted and secure relationships. We must try to find every opportunity to praise children when they are showing appropriate behaviour and attitudes. Our weekly rewards, such as Star of the Week and Kindness Captain recognise and value children's hard work and efforts as well as their commitment to living out our school Christian values.
We know that children learn by example. School staff and families have a responsibility to be excellent role models as well as ensuring that our school Code of Conduct is followed. It is also important to help children learn from their mistakes and to help them to put things right when necessary.
If you have any questions about our behaviour system, please contact one of our team leaders: Mrs B Campbell, Miss Hogg or Mrs R Parrington or Mrs J. Thornton (SENDCo) via:
The school office (0151 677 5152) or schooloffice@christchurch-
Class Charts:
We use a system called Class Charts which is online and it logs all behaviour incidents as well as displaying positive/negative points. These points are matched closely to our school Code of Conduct. This system enables students to be rewarded in all aspects of their school life, visually seeing the progress and being able to interact with this online. Families receive log in details for Class Charts and can access the system to see their children's behaviour in school. (If you require a log in detail, please contact the school office).