Year 2
Welcome to Year 2
Your class teachers are Mrs Ashworth and Mrs Joyce. Miss Porter is our amazing Teaching Assistant who works closely with us to help support your learning.
We are classes 5 and 6.
We have such an exciting year ahead!
In the Autumn term we will be looking at ‘Wonderful Wirral’ and finding out what Moreton was like when our grandparents were little.
In the Spring term we will be looking further afield in our ‘Where in the World’ unit of work and finding all about the history of flight.
In the Summer term we will be spending time learning all about ‘Awesome Australia’ and looking at different artists.
We have lots of exciting trips, outdoor learning and learning opportunities throughout the year and we continue to develop our Christian ethos in our RE learning and Collective Worship.
Year Two Day
• School begins at 8.45am with our ready to learn session and ends at 3.30pm.
• Morning playtime is 10.15am – 10:30am.
• Lunchtime is 11:30am - 12:20pm.
See our full timetable below.
• Children will be provided with fruit for morning playtime but they can bring in their own healthy snack if they want.
• Year Two have pegs in the classroom to hang up their coats, PE bags and book bags. Space is limited so only small bags if possible.
• Children are provided with writing equipment, which they take responsibility for and it is kept in their own individual packs.
• Year Two need to keep their PE kits in school throughout the week for PE lessons, outdoor learning and stretch and reflect.
• Each week, children will be provided with reading books levelled to their ability and a Team Read book chosen by them.
• Homework is sent out on a Friday to be returned by the following Wednesday at the latest.