Year 1
Welcome to Year One!
As we build upon the experiences and skills mastered during the early years stage of our learning journey we learn through play, exciting themes and guided exploration of concepts.
Our learning environment mirrors the FS2 classrooms during the Autumn term, continuing to provide hands on learning opportunities that are inviting, exciting and challenging for our inquisitive, creative children. We provide support for children to continue to work on skills that they have been working on in FS2 whilst also introducing the Key Stage One curriculum.
Our teaching team have worked together to ensure our timetables and classroom environemnt are progressive and enable children to consistently access teaching and learning opportunities at a level that challenges them to achieve the best they can in all areas. Our year one rooms continue to support children in developing independence and resilience, the connection between FS2 and Year One transition into a new key stage.
Year One hosts a spacious outdoor learning environment that we have access to throughout the school day. It comprises of focus areas that support children in developing their skills in all areas; particularly physical and social. We are working on improving our outdoor area continuously and value input from the children to ensure that it is purposeful, exciting and progressive.
Our children learn through a carefully planned curriculum that takes into consideration their starting points in Key Stage One, their interests and their learning styles.
Our year begins with exploring our local environment and discovering local factories in our learning theme “Farms and factories”. In the spring term we look at some important places on the Wirral. We think about the woods and discover what happened in Eastham long ago. Did you know there was a circus? We build on our knowledge of the Wirral in the summer term by comparing our peninsula with islands near and far. We will visit the beach and have fun in our local area.
Year One Day
• School begins at 8.45am with our ready to learn session and ends at 3.30pm.
• Morning playtime (from Spring) is 10.15am – 10:30am.
• Lunchtime is 11:30pm – 12:20pm.
• Children will need to bring a water bottle and book bag to school each day
• PE kits, waterproofs and wellies are to remain in school throughout the week for PE lessons, forest school sessions and outdoor learning.
• Homework is uploaded to the Year One seesaw account on a Friday and should be posted in response by the following Wednesday.
We look forward to welcoming you to Year One – If you have any questions you can contact us
on y1@christchurch-moreton.