Christ Church Primary School, Moreton

Year 1


We have had such an incredible first week with your children. We have learnt lots about each other, become comfortable in our new Year 1 routines and have had fun exploring our new classroom and outdoor area - we even found a family of frogs last week!
Please see attached our newsletter for this half term. There are important dates for your diary, parents evening and an overview of the things we will be learning. 
We can't wait to continue working hard and learning lots as the year progresses. We are fully aware that to support your children best, our partnership with you guys is the most important! 
On a small note, we do appreciate your patience and kindness during home time. We are still getting to know new faces and ensure the children learn our routine for home time. Please could we ask that you continue to wait patiently until a member of the team has dismissed your child to you and leave a gap infront of where we dismiss the children. It can be quite hard to see all parents from where we are so please do spread out to help make home time run as smoothly as possible. We only ask the above as the childrens safety is paramount during this time.
If you have a child in F2 or F1 and would like your child to be taken to F1 or F2 at the end of the day please do just drop us an email or let a member of the team know early this week so we can ensure this happens.
Thank you so much for your support so far!
The Year 1 team.

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Christ Church Primary School, MoretonUpton Road, Moreton, Wirral, Merseyside, CH46 0PB